
FLTK with Digital Mars C++

|=---=[ Digital Mars C++ support for FLTK 1.3

I know, the last thing you need is support for yet another compiler,
if I look at the current poll. Nevertheless, Matthias started a D port of
FLTK a while ago. D is from Walter Bright who is also the man behind the
Digital Mars C++ compiler, so that's the link.
Also, there's another FLTK/D library named fltk4d, a D wrapper around a
C wrapper around FLTK, that relies on a DLL created by ... well ...
a different compiler suite. Wouldn't it be great to have Digital Mars at
both ends (thus allowing static libraries, btw)?

There are only a few source code changes to be done, based on
dmc is Version 8.50 (for tracking of compiler bugs).

|=---=[ src/Fl_Help_View.cxx, line 74 and src/filename_absolute.cxx, line
# if !defined(__DMC__)
# define getcwd _getcwd
# endif

|=---=[ FL/Fl_Pixmap.H, line 60:
For some reason, dmc doesn't like the extra non-const parameterized
version of some functions / constructors.
#if !defined(__DMC__)
explicit Fl_Pixmap(char * const * D) : Fl_Image(-1,0,1), alloc_data(0),
id(0), mask(0) {set_data((const char*const*)D); measure();}

|=---=[ FL/fl_draw.H, line 186:
#if !defined(__DMC__)
FL_EXPORT int fl_draw_pixmap(/*const*/ char* const* data, int x,int
FL_EXPORT int fl_measure_pixmap(/*const*/ char* const* data, int &w, int

Is there any need to specify these non-const versions at all?

|=---=[ src/fl_draw_pixmap.cxx:
Enclose implementations of the above functions in similar #defines.

|=---=[ src/screen_xywh.cxx:
Replace every occurance (3) of
#ifdef WIN32
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__DMC__)

|=---=[ src/Fl_win32.cxx:
line 79:
#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__DMC__)
#endif // !__GNUC__ && !__DMC__

The (binary) library of DMC includes _TrackMouseEvent, it's just missing
entries in the header that deny access.
Instead of disabling mouse tracking, you can add at the top of the header
(or in DMCs comctrl.h, where it belongs):
#ifdef __DMC__
#define TME_LEAVE 0x00000002
typedef struct tagTRACKMOUSEEVENT {
DWORD cbSize;
DWORD dwFlags;
HWND hwndTrack;
DWORD dwHoverTime;

line 633 (add):
#if defined(__DMC__)
// Attention: 32bit only for dmc
typedef UINT UINT_PTR;

|=---=[ About: Warning 7: possible extraneous ';'
This warning appears when empty for loops are written with no space or
something else between the closing bracket and the semicolon:
Maybe change such lines to:
for(...) /* tunix */ ;
or supply -w7 on the command line to suppress warning 7.

Facts for the geeks:
The term "tunix" appears in one of the Simon the Sorcerer adventures (at
in the German edition), it's called the "programmer's standard excuse". I
know how much "tunix" is understood in native English, in German it means
"do nothing".

|=---=[ About: Warning 2: possible unintended assignment
This warning appears, if a test contains only a = sign. This is legal and
very tight programming, but dmc recognizes that this can be a potential
To get rid of these warnings rewrite such lines:
if ((x = boxnumber(value))) ...
if ((x = boxnumber(value)) != 0) ...
or supply -w2 on the command line to suppress warning 2.

|=---=[ png/pngconf.h, line 1443
# if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__DMC__)
# define png_snprintf _snprintf /* Added to v 1.2.19 */
# define png_snprintf2 _snprintf
# define png_snprintf6 _snprintf
# else
# define png_snprintf snprintf /* Added to v 1.2.19 */
# define png_snprintf2 snprintf
# define png_snprintf6 snprintf
# endif

|=---=[ fluid/FL_Window_Type.cxx, in Fl_Widget_Class_Type::make()
DMC bug: dmc cannot cast a class pointer implicitly to a
private base class pointer.
Remedy: Write explicit casts.
line 1410:
//myo->factory = this; // implicit cast to a private base class pointer
myo->factory = (Fl_Type*)this;
line 1414:
w->window = (Fl_Window_Type*)myo;
line 1421:
return (Fl_Type*)myo;

|=---=[ Making (still the dirty part)
Note: The guides for making the library are based on msys/make,
not the make that comes with Digital Mars.
(I admit, an inconsitency in style.)
The files can be greatly simplified, because they support much tasks that
don't apply to dmc. My intention here is to make existing templates
working for dmc.

|=---=[ General - Suffixes
The standard suffixes for objects and libraries are .obj and .lib.
Rename every suffix in makeinclude and the Makefiles accordingly.

|=---=[ General - Path separator
Most of the time the unix path separator / is understood.
The backslash (double \\ in GNU Makefiles) is especially needed when
the linker is involved.

|=---=[ General - Naming libraries for linking
There's no option like -l or -L for dmc. Address libraries with their
Installed system libraries:
Libraries with relative path (with double \\ in Makefile):
Libraries plus separate relative Path:
dmc seems to have no option to directly supply a user library path, but
there's a trick I discovered.
translates to

|=---=[ General - Using DM make
DM make is not as powerful as GNU make. I didn't play much with it,
but one important limitation I found is missing functions.
E.g. you cannot replace suffixes in this way:
OBJECTS = $(CPPFILES:.cxx=.obj)
You have to write your own list of OBEJCTS in this case.

|=---=[ makeinclude
makeinclude is copied from makefiles/makeinclude.mingw and modified:
CXX = dmc.exe
CC = dmc.exe
LIBCOMMAND = lib.exe -c
LIBEXT = .lib
LDLIBS = ole32.lib uuid.lib comctl32.lib wsock32.lib gdi32.lib
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib

|=---=[ config.h
config.h is copied from makefiles/makeinclude.mingw, some defines are
//#define HAVE_VSNPRINTF 1
//#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1
//#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1

|=---=[ src/Makefile
Changes (no GL, no dynamic libs):

|=---=[ test/Makefile
Since dmc doesn't currently support GL out of the box, remove the
to the GL demos.
#all: $(ALL) $(GLDEMOS)
all: $(ALL)

|=---=[ Nor for real: Make it
cd into every subdirectory and make it.
Hint for all those with dual cores: Try
make -j2
to let (GNU) make start two compiler instances at once.
Yeah, that's why we have dual cores!
