
FreeBASIC -- 顯示JPEG檔


' load JPG,JPEG,JFIF,MJPG from file or memory
' see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG
' based on public domain codes
' http://nothings.org/stb_image.c
' FreeBASIC version by D.J.Peters
' progressive frames are not supported

#include "crt/string.bi"

'#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
#define ePrint(msg):open err for output as #99:print #99,msg:close #99
#define ePrint(msg) :

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL cptr(any ptr,0)

#define MARKER_NONE &Hff
#define SOF0(x) (x = &Hc0)
#define SOF1(x) (x = &Hc1)
#define SOF2(x) (x = &HC2)
#define DHT(x)  (x = &Hc4)
#define RES(x)  (x>= &Hd0 and x<= &Hd7)
#define SOI(x)  (x = &Hd8)
#define EOI(x)  (x = &Hd9)
#define DQT(x)  (x = &Hdb)
#define SOS(x)  (x = &Hda)
#define DRI(x)  (x = &Hdd)
#define APP(x)  (x>= &He0 and x<=&Hef)
#define COM(x)  (x = &Hfe)
#define NON(x)  (x = &Hff)

end enum

  as uinteger  w,h
  as integer   n, out_n
  as ubyte ptr Buffer, BufferEnd
end type

#define FAST_BITS 9
  as ubyte    fast((1 shl FAST_BITS)-1)
  as ushort   code(255)
  as ubyte    values(255)
  as ubyte    size(256)
  as uinteger maxcode(17)
  as integer  delta(16)
end type

  as integer id
  as integer h,v
  as integer tq
  as integer hd,ha
  as integer dc_pred
  as integer x,y,w2,h2
  as ubyte  ptr pData
  as any    ptr raw_data
  as ubyte  ptr linebuf
end type

type JPEG
  as HUFFMAN   huff_dc(3)
  as HUFFMAN   huff_ac(3)
  as IMAGECOMPONENTS img_comp(3)
  as ubyte     dequant(255)
  as integer   img_h_max, img_v_max
  as integer   img_mcu_x, img_mcu_y
  as integer   img_mcu_w, img_mcu_h
  as uinteger  code_buffer
  as integer   code_bits 
  as ubyte     marker
  as integer   nomore
  as integer   scan_n, order(3)
  as integer   restart_interval, todo
end type

type resample_row_func as function (ou  as ubyte ptr, _
                                    in0 as ubyte ptr, _
                                    in1 as ubyte ptr, _
                                    w   as integer, _
                                    hs  as integer) as ubyte ptr

sub start_mem(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr, buffer as ubyte ptr,length as integer)
  s->Buffer    = buffer
  s->BufferEnd = buffer+length
end sub

function get8(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr) as integer
  if (s->Buffer < s->BufferEnd) then
    function = *s->Buffer
   return 0
  end if
end function

function at_eof(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr) as integer
  return s->Buffer >= s->BufferEnd
end function

function get8u(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr) as ubyte
  return get8(s)
end function

sub skip(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr,n as integer)
end sub

function get16(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr) as integer
  dim as integer z = get8(s)
  return (z shl 8) + get8(s)
end function

function get32(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr) as uinteger
  dim as uinteger z = get16(s)
  return (z shl 16) + get16(s)
end function

function get16le(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr) as integer
  dim as integer z = get8(s)
  return z + (get8(s) shl 8)
end function

function get32le(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr) as uinteger
  dim as uinteger z = get16le(s)
  return z + (get16le(s) shl 16)
end function

sub getn(s as JPEGBUFFER ptr,buffer as ubyte ptr, n as integer)
  memcpy(buffer, s->Buffer, n)
  s->Buffer+= n
end sub

function build_huffman(h as HUFFMAN ptr, count as integer ptr) as integer
  dim as integer k,code
  for i as integer = 0 to 15
    for j as integer = 0 to count[i]-1
      h->size(k) = (i+1)
  h->size(k) = 0
  code = 0
  k = 0
  for j as integer = 1 to 16
    h->delta(j) = k - code
    if (h->size(k) = j) then
      while (h->size(k) = j)
      if (code-1) >= (1 shl j) then
        eprint("  bad code lengthgths Corrupt JPEG")
        return 0
      end if
    end if
    h->maxcode(j) = code shl (16-j)
    code shl= 1
  h->maxcode(17) = &HFFFFFFFF

  memset(@h->fast(0), 255, 1 shl FAST_BITS)
  for i as integer =0 to k-1
    dim as integer s = h->size(i)
    if (s <= FAST_BITS) then
      dim as integer c = h->code(i) shl (FAST_BITS-s)
      dim as integer m = 1 shl (FAST_BITS-s)
      for j as integer = 0 to m-1
        h->fast(c+j) = i
    end if
  return 1
end function

sub grow_buffer_unsafe(j as JPEG ptr)
  dim as integer b
    if j->nomore then
    end if
    if (b = &Hff) then
      dim as integer c = get8(@j->s)
      if (c <> 0) then
        j->marker = c
        j->nomore = 1
      end if
    end if
    j->code_buffer = (j->code_buffer shl 8) or b
    j->code_bits += 8
  loop while (j->code_bits <= 24)
end sub

dim shared as uinteger bmask(17)={ _
    0,   1,    3,    7,   15,  31, _
   63, 127,  255,  511, 1023,2047, _

' decode a jpeg huffman value from the bitstream
function decode(j as JPEG    ptr, _
                h as HUFFMAN ptr) as integer
  dim as uinteger temp
  dim as integer c,k

  if (j->code_bits < 16) then grow_buffer_unsafe(j)

  c = j->code_buffer shr (j->code_bits - FAST_BITS)
  c and= ((1 shl FAST_BITS)-1)
  k = h->fast(c)
  if (k < 255) then
    if (h->size(k) > j->code_bits) then 
      eprint("  decode h->size(k) > j->code_bits")
      return -1
    end if
    j->code_bits -= h->size(k)
    return h->values(k)
  end if

  if (j->code_bits < 16) then
    temp = (j->code_buffer shl (16 - j->code_bits)) and &Hffff
    temp = (j->code_buffer shr (j->code_bits - 16)) and &Hffff
  end if

    if (temp < h->maxcode(k)) then exit do

  if (k = 17) then
    j->code_bits -= 16
    eprint("  decode error! code not found")
    return -1
  end if

  if (k > j->code_bits) then
    eprint("  decode k > j->code_bits")
    return -1
  end if
  j->code_bits -= k
  c     = j->code_buffer shr j->code_bits
  c and = bmask(k)
  c +   = h->delta(k)
  return h->values(c)
end function

' combined JPEG 'receive' and JPEG 'extend', since baseline
' always extends everything it receives.
function extend_receive(j as JPEG ptr,n as integer) as integer
  dim as uinteger m = 1 shl (n-1)
  dim as uinteger k
  if (j->code_bits < n) then grow_buffer_unsafe(j)
  j->code_bits -= n
  k     = j->code_buffer shr j->code_bits
  k and = bmask(n)
  if (k < m) then return (-1 shl n) + k + 1
  return k
end function

dim shared as ubyte dezigzag(79) = { _
    0,  1,  8, 16,  9,  2,  3, 10, _
   17, 24, 32, 25, 18, 11,  4,  5, _
   12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 48, 41, 34, _
   27, 20, 13,  6,  7, 14, 21, 28, _
   35, 42, 49, 56, 57, 50, 43, 36, _
   29, 22, 15, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, _
   58, 59, 52, 45, 38, 31, 39, 46, _
   53, 60, 61, 54, 47, 55, 62, 63, _
   63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, _
   63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63}

' decode one 64-entry block
function decode_block(j       as JPEG ptr   , _
                      aData() as short      , _
                      hdc     as HUFFMAN ptr, _
                      hac     as HUFFMAN ptr, _
                      b       as integer) as integer
  dim as integer diff,dc,k
  dim as integer t = decode(j, hdc)
  if (t < 0) then 
    eprint("decode_block bad huffman code Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  end if
  diff = iif(t,extend_receive(j, t),0)
  dc = j->img_comp(b).dc_pred + diff
  j->img_comp(b).dc_pred = dc
  aData(0) = dc
  k = 1
    dim as integer r,s
    dim as integer rs = decode(j, hac)
    if (rs < 0) then 
      eprint("decode_block bad huffman code Corrupt JPEG")
      return 0
    end if
    s = rs and 15
    r = rs shr 4
    if (s = 0) then
      if (rs <> &Hf0) then exit do
      k += 16
      k += r
      aData(dezigzag(k)) = extend_receive(j,s)
      k +=1
    end if
  loop while (k < 64)
  return 1
end function

function clamp(x as integer) as ubyte 
  x += 128
  if x<  0 then return   0
  if x>255 then return 255
  return x
end function

#define f2f(x)  int( (((x) * 4096 + 0.5)) )
#macro IDCT_1D(s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7)
  dim as integer t0,t1,t2,t3,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,x0,x1,x2,x3
  p2 = s2
  p3 = s6
  p1 = (p2+p3) * f2f( 0.541196100)
  t2 = p1 + p3 * f2f(-1.847759065)
  t3 = p1 + p2 * f2f( 0.765366865)
  p2 = s0
  p3 = s4
  t0 = (p2+p3) shl 12
  t1 = (p2-p3) shl 12
  x0 = t0+t3
  x3 = t0-t3
  x1 = t1+t2
  x2 = t1-t2
  t0 = s7
  t1 = s5
  t2 = s3
  t3 = s1
  p3 = t0+t2
  p4 = t1+t3
  p1 = t0+t3
  p2 = t1+t2
  p5 = (p3+p4)*f2f( 1.175875602)
  t0 = t0     *f2f( 0.298631336)
  t1 = t1     *f2f( 2.053119869)
  t2 = t2     *f2f( 3.072711026)
  t3 = t3     *f2f( 1.501321110)
  p1 = p5 + p1*f2f(-0.899976223)
  p2 = p5 + p2*f2f(-2.562915447)
  p3 = p3     *f2f(-1.961570560)
  p4 = p4     *f2f(-0.390180644)
  t3 += p1+p4
  t2 += p2+p3
  t1 += p2+p4
  t0 += p1+p3

sub idct_block(ou         as ubyte ptr, _
               ou_stride  as integer  , _
               aData()    as short    , _
               dequantize as ubyte ptr) 
  static as integer aVal(64-1)
  dim as integer i
  dim as integer ptr v=@aVal(0)
  dim as ubyte ptr o,dq=dequantize
  dim as short ptr d=@aData(0)

  for i=0 to 7
    if (d[ 8]=0 and _
        d[16]=0 and _
        d[24]=0 and _
        d[32]=0 and _ 
        d[40]=0 and _
        d[48]=0 and _
        d[56]=0) then
      dim as integer dcterm = d[0] * dq[0] shl 2
      v[ 0] = dcterm
      v[ 8] = dcterm
      v[16] = dcterm
      v[24] = dcterm
      v[32] = dcterm
      v[40] = dcterm
      v[48] = dcterm
      v[56] = dcterm
      IDCT_1D(d[ 0]*dq[ 0], _
              d[ 8]*dq[ 8], _
              d[16]*dq[16], _
              d[24]*dq[24], _
              d[32]*dq[32], _
              d[40]*dq[40], _
              d[48]*dq[48], _

      x0 += 512
      x1 += 512
      x2 += 512
      x3 += 512
      v[ 0] = (x0+t3) shr 10
      v[ 8] = (x1+t2) shr 10
      v[16] = (x2+t1) shr 10
      v[24] = (x3+t0) shr 10
      v[32] = (x3-t0) shr 10
      v[40] = (x2-t1) shr 10
      v[48] = (x1-t2) shr 10
      v[56] = (x0-t3) shr 10
    end if
    d +=1
    v +=1
  for i=0 to 7
    x0 += 65536
    x1 += 65536
    x2 += 65536
    x3 += 65536
    o[0] = clamp((x0+t3) shr 17)
    o[1] = clamp((x1+t2) shr 17)
    o[2] = clamp((x2+t1) shr 17)
    o[3] = clamp((x3+t0) shr 17)
    o[4] = clamp((x3-t0) shr 17)
    o[5] = clamp((x2-t1) shr 17)
    o[6] = clamp((x1-t2) shr 17)
    o[7] = clamp((x0-t3) shr 17)
end sub

function get_marker(j as JPEG ptr) as ubyte
  dim as ubyte x=any
  if (j->marker <> MARKER_NONE) then
    x = j->marker
    j->marker = MARKER_NONE
    return x
  end if
  x = get8u(@j->s)
  if (x <> &Hff) then 
    return MARKER_NONE
  end if
  while (x = &Hff)
    x = get8u(@j->s)
  return x
end function

sub re_set(j as JPEG ptr) static
  j->code_bits           = 0
  j->code_buffer         = 0
  j->nomore              = 0
  j->img_comp(0).dc_pred = 0
  j->img_comp(1).dc_pred = 0
  j->img_comp(2).dc_pred = 0
  j->marker = MARKER_NONE
  if j->restart_interval then
    j->todo = j->restart_interval
    j->todo = &H7fffffff
  end if
end sub

function parse_entropy_coded_data(z as JPEG ptr) as integer
  if (z->scan_n = 1) then
    dim as integer i,j,n = z->order(0)
    dim as short   aData(64-1)
    dim as integer w = (z->img_comp(n).x+7) shr 3
    dim as integer h = (z->img_comp(n).y+7) shr 3
    for j=0 to h-1
      for i=0 to w-1
        if decode_block(z, aData(0), _
                        @z->huff_dc(0) + z->img_comp(n).hd, _
                        @z->huff_ac(0) + z->img_comp(n).ha, n) =0 then 
          return 0
        end if

        idct_block(z->img_comp(n).pData+z->img_comp(n).w2*j*8+i*8, _
                   z->img_comp(n).w2                            , _
                   aData(0), _
                   @z->dequant(z->img_comp(n).tq) _

        if z->todo <= 0 then
          if (z->code_bits < 24) then grow_buffer_unsafe(z)
          if (RES(z->marker)=0) then return 1
        end if
  else ' interleaved!
    dim as integer i,j,k,x,y
    dim as short aData(64-1)
    for j=0 to z->img_mcu_y-1
      for i=0 to z->img_mcu_x-1
        ' scan an interleaved process scan_n components in order
        for k=0 to z->scan_n-1
          dim as integer n = z->order(k)
          dim as integer jv= j*z->img_comp(n).v
          dim as integer ih= i*z->img_comp(n).h
          ' scan out an mcu's worth of this component; that's just determined
          ' by the basic H and V specified for the component
          for y=0 to z->img_comp(n).v-1
            dim as integer y2 = z->img_comp(n).w2 * ((jv + y) shl 3)
            for x=0 to z->img_comp(n).h-1
              dim as integer x2 =                    (ih + x) shl 3
              if decode_block(z, aData(0), _
                              @z->huff_dc(0) + z->img_comp(n).hd, _
                              @z->huff_ac(0) + z->img_comp(n).ha, _
                              n)=0 then 
                 return 0
              end if
              idct_block( z->img_comp(n).pData + y2+x2, _
                          z->img_comp(n).w2, aData(0), @z->dequant(z->img_comp(n).tq))
        if z->todo <= 0 then
          if (z->code_bits < 24) then grow_buffer_unsafe(z)
          if (0=RES(z->marker)) then return 1
        end if
  end if
  return 1
end function

function process_marker(z as JPEG ptr, marker as integer) as integer
  dim as integer L
  if NON(marker) then
    eprint("expected marker Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  elseif SOF2(marker) then
    eprint("JPEG format not supported (progressive)")
    return 0
  elseif DRI(marker) then
    if (get16(@z->s) <> 4) then 
      eprint("bad DRI length  Corrupt JPEG")
      return 0
    end if
    z->restart_interval = get16(@z->s)
    return 1
  elseif DQT(marker) then  ' DQT - define quantization table
    L = get16(@z->s)-2
    dim as integer p,q,t
    while (L > 0)
      q = get8(@z->s)
      p = q shr 4
      t = q and 15
      if (p<>0) then 
        eprint("p<>0 bad DQT type Corrupt JPEG")
        return 0
      end if
      if (t>3) then 
        eprint("t>3 bad DQT table Corrupt JPEG")
        return 0
      end if
      for i as integer = 0 to 63
        z->dequant(t*64+dezigzag(i)) = get8u( @z->s)
      L -= 65
    return (L=0)
  elseif DHT(marker) then
    dim as ubyte ptr v
    dim as integer sizes(15),sum
    dim as integer q,tc,th
    L = get16(@z->s)-2
    while (L > 0)
      q = get8(@z->s)
      tc= q shr 4
      th= q and 15
      if (tc > 1) or (th > 3) then 
        eprint("(tc > 1) or (th > 3) bad DHT header Corrupt JPEG")
        return 0
      end if
      for i as integer = 0 to 15
        sizes(i) = get8(@z->s)
        sum += sizes(i)
      L -= 17
      if (tc = 0) then
        if 0=build_huffman(@z->huff_dc(0)+th,@sizes(0)) then
          return 0
        end if
        v = @z->huff_dc(th).values(0)
        if 0=build_huffman(@z->huff_ac(0)+th,@sizes(0)) then 
          return 0
        end if
        v = @z->huff_ac(th).values(0)
      end if

      for i as integer = 0 to sum-1
        v[i] = get8u(@z->s)
    return (L=0)
  elseif APP(marker) or COM(marker) then
     skip(@z->s, get16(@z->s)-2)
    return 1
  end if
  return 0
end function

function process_scan_header(z as JPEG ptr) as integer
  dim as integer i
  dim as integer Ls = get16(@z->s)
  z->scan_n = get8(@z->s)
  if (z->scan_n<1) or _
     (z->scan_n>4) or  _
     (z->scan_n>z->s.n) then 
    eprint("bad SOS component count Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  end if
  if (Ls <> 6+2*z->scan_n) then 
    eprint("bad SOS length Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  end if
  for i=0 to z->scan_n-1
    dim as integer id = get8(@z->s), which
    dim as integer q  = get8(@z->s)
    for which = 0 to z->s.n-1
      if (z->img_comp(which).id = id) then exit for
    if (which = z->s.n) then return 0
    z->img_comp(which).hd = q shr 4
    if (z->img_comp(which).hd > 3) then 
      eprint("bad DC huff Corrupt JPEG")
      return 0
    end if
    z->img_comp(which).ha = q and 15
    if (z->img_comp(which).ha > 3) then 
      eprint("bad AC huff Corrupt JPEG")
      return 0
    end if
    z->order(i) = which
  if (get8(@z->s) <> 0) then 
    eprint("bad SOS Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  end if
  get8(@z->s) ' should be 63, but might be 0
  if (get8(@z->s) <> 0) then 
    eprint("bad SOS Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  end if
  return 1
end function

function process_frame_header(z as JPEG ptr,scan as integer) as integer
  dim s as JPEGBUFFER ptr = @z->s
  dim as integer Lf,p,i,q, h_max=1,v_max=1,c

  Lf = get16(s)
  ' JPEG
  if (Lf<11) then
    eprint("  bad SOF length Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  end if
  p  = get8(s)
   ' JPEG baseline
  if (p<>8) then 
    eprint("  JPEG format not supported: 8-bit only")
    return 0
  end if
  s->h = get16(s)
  ' Legal, but we don't handle it--but neither does IJG
  if (s->h=0) then 
    eprint("  JPEG format not supported: delayed height")
    return 0
  end if
  s->w = get16(s)
  ' JPEG requires
  if (s->w=0) then 
    eprint("  header width = 0 Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  end if
  c = get8(s)
   ' JFIF requires
  if (c<>3) and (c<>1) then 
    eprint("  bad component count Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  end if

  s->n = c
  for i=0 to c-1
    z->img_comp(i).pData   = NULL
    z->img_comp(i).linebuf = NULL

  if Lf <> (8+3*s->n) then 
    eprint("  bad SOF length Corrupt JPEG")
    return 0
  end if

  for i=0 to s->n-1
    z->img_comp(i).id = get8(s)
    ' JFIF requires
    if z->img_comp(i).id <> (i+1) then
      ' some version of jpegtran outputs non-JFIF-compliant files!
      if (z->img_comp(i).id <> i) then
        eprint("  bad component ID Corrupt JPEG")
        return 0
      end if
    end if
    q = get8(s)
    z->img_comp(i).h = (q shr 4)
    if (z->img_comp(i).h=0) or (z->img_comp(i).h > 4) then 
      eprint("  bad H Corrupt JPEG")
      return 0
    end if
    z->img_comp(i).v = q and 15
    if (z->img_comp(i).v=0) or (z->img_comp(i).v > 4) then
      eprint("  bad V Corrupt JPEG")
      return 0
    end if
    z->img_comp(i).tq = get8(s)
    if (z->img_comp(i).tq > 3) then
      eprint("  bad TQ Corrupt JPEG")
      return 0
    end if

  if (scan <> SCAN_LOAD) then 
    return 1
  end if

  if ((1 shl 30) \ s->w \ s->n) < s->h then 
    eprint("  to large Image to decode")
    return 0
  end if

  for i=0 to s->n-1
    if (z->img_comp(i).h > h_max) then h_max = z->img_comp(i).h
    if (z->img_comp(i).v > v_max) then v_max = z->img_comp(i).v

  z->img_h_max = h_max
  z->img_v_max = v_max
  z->img_mcu_w = h_max * 8
  z->img_mcu_h = v_max * 8
  z->img_mcu_x = (s->w + z->img_mcu_w-1) \ z->img_mcu_w
  z->img_mcu_y = (s->h + z->img_mcu_h-1) \ z->img_mcu_h

  for i=0 to s->n-1
    z->img_comp(i).x = (s->w * z->img_comp(i).h + h_max-1) \ h_max
    z->img_comp(i).y = (s->h * z->img_comp(i).v + v_max-1) \ v_max
    z->img_comp(i).w2 = z->img_mcu_x * z->img_comp(i).h * 8
    z->img_comp(i).h2 = z->img_mcu_y * z->img_comp(i).v * 8
    z->img_comp(i).raw_data = allocate(z->img_comp(i).w2 * z->img_comp(i).h2)
    if (z->img_comp(i).raw_data = NULL) then
      while (i>=0)
        z->img_comp(i).pData = NULL
      eprint("  Out of memory")
      return 0
    end if
    z->img_comp(i).pData   = z->img_comp(i).raw_data
    z->img_comp(i).linebuf = NULL
  eprint("process_frame_header OK")
  return 1
end function

function decode_jpeg_header(z as JPEG ptr,scan as integer) as integer static
  dim as integer m
   ' initialize cached marker to empty
  z->marker = MARKER_NONE
  m = get_marker(z)
  if (SOI(m)=0) then 
    eprint("  no SOI Corrupt JPEG marker = &H" & hex(m,2))
    return 0
  end if

  if (scan = SCAN_TYPE) then 
    return 1
  end if

  m = get_marker(z)
  while (SOF0(m)=0) and (SOF1(m)=0)
    if process_marker(z,m)=0 then 
      return 0
    end if
    m = get_marker(z)
    while (m = MARKER_NONE)
      if (at_eof(@z->s)) then 
        eprint("  Missing SOF Marker")
        return 0
      end if
      m = get_marker(z)
  if (process_frame_header(z, scan)=0) then 
    return 0
  end if

  return 1
end function

function decode_jpeg_image(j as JPEG ptr) as integer static
  dim as integer m
  j->restart_interval = 0

  if (decode_jpeg_header(j, SCAN_LOAD)=0) then 
    return 0
  end if

  m = get_marker(j)
  while (EOI(m)=0)
    if (SOS(m)) then
      if (process_scan_header(j)=0) then 
        return 0
      end if
      if (parse_entropy_coded_data(j)=0) then
        return 0
      end if
      if (process_marker(j, m)=0) then 
        return 0
      end if
    end if
    m = get_marker(j)

  return 1
end function

function resample_row_1(ou      as ubyte ptr, _
                        in_near as ubyte ptr, _
                        in_far  as ubyte ptr, _
                        w       as integer, _
                        hs      as integer) as ubyte ptr
   return in_near
end function

function resample_row_v_2(ou      as ubyte ptr, _
                          in_near as ubyte ptr, _
                          in_far  as ubyte ptr, _
                          w       as integer, _
                          hs      as integer) as ubyte ptr
  ' need to generate two samples vertically for every one in input
  dim as integer i
  for i=0 to w-1
    ou[i] = (3*in_near[i] + in_far[i] + 2) shr 2
  return ou
end function

function resample_row_h_2(ou      as ubyte ptr, _
                          in_near as ubyte ptr, _
                          in_far  as ubyte ptr, _
                          w       as integer, _
                          hs      as integer) as ubyte ptr
  ' need to generate two samples horizontally for every one in input
  dim as integer i
  dim as ubyte ptr in = in_near
  if (w = 1) then
    ' if only one sample, can't do any interpolation
    ou[0] = in[0]
    ou[1] = in[0]
    return ou
  end if

  ou[0] = in[0]
  ou[1] = (in[0]*3 + in[1] + 2) shr 2
  for i=1 to w-2
    dim as integer n = 3*in[i]+2
    ou[i*2+0] = (n+in[i-1]) shr 2
    ou[i*2+1] = (n+in[i+1]) shr 2
  ou[i*2+0] = (in[w-2]*3 + in[w-1] + 2) shr 2
  ou[i*2+1] = in[w-1]
  return ou
end function

function resample_row_hv_2(ou      as ubyte ptr, _
                          in_near as ubyte ptr, _
                          in_far  as ubyte ptr, _
                          w       as integer, _
                          hs      as integer) as ubyte ptr
  ' need to generate 2x2 samples for every one in input
  dim as integer i,t0,t1
  if (w = 1) then
    ou[0] =  (3*in_near[0] + in_far[0] + 2) shr 2
    ou[1] = ou[0]
    return ou
  end if

  t1 = 3*in_near[0] + in_far[0]
  ou[0] = (t1+2) shr 2
  for i=1 to w-1
      t0 = t1
      t1 = 3*in_near[i]+in_far[i]
      ou[i*2-1] = (3*t0 + t1 + 8) shr 4
      ou[i*2  ] = (3*t1 + t0 + 8) shr 4
  ou[w*2-1] = (t1+2) shr 2
  return ou
end function

function resample_row_generic(ou      as ubyte ptr, _
                              in_near as ubyte ptr, _
                              in_far  as ubyte ptr, _
                              w       as integer, _
                              hs      as integer) as ubyte ptr
  ' resample with nearest-neighbor
  dim as integer i,j
  for i=0 to w-1
    for j=0 to hs-1
      ou[i*hs+j] = in_near[i]
  return ou
end function

#define float2fixed(x) (int((x) * 65536 + 0.5))
sub YCbCr_to_RGB_row(ou  as ubyte ptr, _
                     y   as ubyte ptr, _
                     pcb as ubyte ptr, _
                     pcr as ubyte ptr, _
                     count as integer, _
                     psize as integer)
  dim as integer i
  for i=0 to count-1
    dim as integer y_fixed = (y[i] shl 16) + 32768 ' rounding
    dim as integer r,g,b
    dim as integer cr = pcr[i] - 128
    dim as integer cb = pcb[i] - 128
    r = y_fixed + cr*float2fixed(1.40200f)
    g = y_fixed - cr*float2fixed(0.71414f) - cb*float2fixed(0.34414f)
    b = y_fixed                            + cb*float2fixed(1.77200f)
    r shr= 16
    g shr= 16
    b shr= 16
    ou[0]= iif(r<0,0,iif(r>255,255,r))
    ou[1]= iif(g<0,0,iif(g>255,255,g))
    ou[2]= iif(b<0,0,iif(b>255,255,b))
    ou[3]= 255
end sub

' clean up the temporary component buffers
sub cleanup_jpeg(j as JPEG ptr)
  dim as integer i
  for i=0 to j->s.n-1
    if (j->img_comp(i).pData) then
      deallocate j->img_comp(i).raw_data
      j->img_comp(i).pData = NULL
    end if
    if (j->img_comp(i).linebuf) then
      deallocate j->img_comp(i).linebuf
      j->img_comp(i).linebuf = NULL
    end if
end sub

  as resample_row_func resample
  as ubyte ptr line0,line1
  as integer hs,vs
  as integer w_lores
  as integer ystep
  as integer ypos
end type

function load_jpeg_image(byval z        as JPEG ptr, _
                         byref w        as integer, _
                         byref h        as integer, _
                         byref comp     as integer, _
                         byval req_comp as integer) as ubyte ptr
  dim as integer n, decode_n
  if (req_comp < 0) or (req_comp > 4) then
    eprint("  bad req_comp Internal error")
    return NULL
  end if
  z->s.n = 0

  if decode_jpeg_image(z)=0 then
    return NULL
  end if

  if req_comp then
  end if

  if (z->s.n = 3) and (n < 3) then
    decode_n = 1
    decode_n = z->s.n
  end if

  dim as integer k
  dim as uinteger  i,j
  dim as ubyte ptr pOutput
  dim as ubyte ptr cOutput(4-1)
  dim as JPEGBUFFER_resample res_comp(4-1)

  for k=0 to decode_n-1
    dim as JPEGBUFFER_resample ptr r = @res_comp(k)
    z->img_comp(k).linebuf = callocate(z->s.w + 3)
    if z->img_comp(k).linebuf = NULL then
      eprint("Out of memory")
      return NULL
    end if

    r->hs      = z->img_h_max / z->img_comp(k).h
    r->vs      = z->img_v_max / z->img_comp(k).v
    r->ystep   = r->vs shr 1
    r->w_lores = (z->s.w + r->hs-1) / r->hs
    r->ypos    = 0
    r->line0   = z->img_comp(k).pData
    r->line1   = z->img_comp(k).pData

    if (r->hs = 1) and (r->vs = 1)     then
      r->resample = @resample_row_1
    elseif (r->hs = 1) and (r->vs = 2) then
      r->resample = @resample_row_v_2
    elseif (r->hs = 2) and (r->vs = 1) then
      r->resample = @resample_row_h_2
    elseif (r->hs = 2) and (r->vs = 2) then
      r->resample = @resample_row_hv_2
      r->resample = @resample_row_generic
    end if

  pOutput = callocate(n * z->s.w * z->s.h + 1)
  if (pOutput) = NULL then
    eprint("Out of memory")
    return NULL
  end if

  for j=0 to z->s.h-1
    dim as ubyte ptr pOut = pOutput + n * z->s.w * j
    for k=0 to decode_n-1
      dim as JPEGBUFFER_resample ptr r = @res_comp(k)
      dim as integer y_bot = (r->ystep >= (r->vs shr 1))
      cOutput(k) = r->resample(z->img_comp(k).linebuf, _
                               iif(y_bot,r->line1,r->line0), _
                               iif(y_bot,r->line0,r->line1), _
                               r->w_lores, _
      if r->ystep>= r->vs then
        r->ystep = 0
        r->line0 = r->line1
        if r->ypos < z->img_comp(k).y then
          r->line1+= z->img_comp(k).w2
        end if
      end if
    if (n >= 3) then
      dim as ubyte ptr y = cOutput(0)
      if (z->s.n = 3) then
        YCbCr_to_RGB_row(pOut, y, cOutput(1), cOutput(2), z->s.w, n)
        for i=0 to z->s.w-1
          pOut[0] = y[i]
          pOut[1] = y[i]
          pOut[2] = y[i]
          pOut[3] = 255
          pOut += n
      end if
      dim as ubyte ptr y = cOutput(0)
      if (n = 1) then
        for i=0 to z->s.w-1
          pOut[i] = y[i]
        for i=0 to z->s.w-1
          pOut[0] = y[i]
          pOut[1] = 255
      end if
    end if
  w = z->s.w
  h = z->s.h
  comp = z->s.n

  return pOutput
end function

function TestJpg(pBuffer    as ubyte ptr, _
                 BufferSize as integer) as integer
  dim as JPEG j
  return decode_jpeg_header(@j, SCAN_type)
end function

function DecodeJpg(byval pBuffer     as ubyte ptr, _
                   byval BufferSize  as integer, _
                   byref w           as integer, _
                   byref h           as integer, _
                   byref nChannels   as integer, _
                   byval reqChannels as integer) as ubyte ptr
  dim as JPEG j
  start_mem(@j.s, pBuffer,BufferSize)
  return load_jpeg_image(@j,w,h,nChannels,reqChannels)
end function

function ReadJPG(byval pBuffer      as ubyte ptr, _
                 byval BufferSize   as integer, _
                 byref w            as integer, _
                 byref h            as integer, _
                 byref nChannels    as integer, _
                 byval reqChannels as integer=3) as ubyte ptr
  dim as integer i
  if TestJpg(pBuffer,BufferSize) then
    return DecodeJPG(pBuffer,BufferSize,w,h,nChannels,reqChannels)
  end if 
  eprint("Image not of any known type, or corrupt")
  return 0
end function

function LoadJPG(byval FileName    as string, _
                 byref w           as integer, _
                 byref h           as integer, _
                 byref nChannels   as integer, _
                 byval reqChannels as integer=3) as ubyte ptr
  if len(filename)=0 then 
    return NULL
  end if
  dim as integer hFile=FreeFile
  if open(Filename for binary access read as #hFile) then
    eprint("Error: file not found !")
    return NULL
  end if
  dim as integer size=LOF(hFile)
  if size=0 then 
    close #hFile
    eprint("Error: file is empty !")
    return NULL
  end if
  dim as ubyte ptr pOut,pBuffer=allocate(size)
  get #hFile,,pBuffer[0],Size
  close #hFile
  pOut = ReadJPG(pBuffer,Size, _

  if pBuffer then deallocate pBuffer
  if pOut    then return pOut
  eprint("Error: decoding JPEG !")
  return NULL
end function

' simple test
dim as integer   w,h,BytesPerPixel
dim as ubyte ptr pImageBuffer


if pImageBuffer then
  screenres w,h,BytesPerPixel*8
  dim as ubyte ptr pRGB=pImageBuffer
  for y as integer=0 to h-1
    for x as integer=0 to w-1
  if pImageBuffer then deallocate(pImageBuffer)
end if
